Weight loss can help with so many clinical conditions, make you feel better, and have more energy. It is a challenge today to do this on your own, with our busy lifestyles, not having a work/life balance, and so much misinformation out there about fad diets. Weight loss is best through the support of a nutrition professional and a Weight Loss Service, helping you make small changes and not a fad diet which does not last. Restrictive diets should be replaced by healthy eating, regular exercise, and finding a good balance with all foods. 80/20 rule!!
Not everyone needs or wants surgery to lose weight, and there are effective non-surgical options available. These approaches can help kickstart your weight loss journey and provide the guidance and support needed for long-term success. With a focus on creating sustainable habits, these solutions offer a way to lose weight without the invasiveness of surgery. One of the most innovative options available today is the Allurion Balloon program.
96% weight loss maintained after the balloon passed
Susan will also be available as the Registered Dietitian to see bariatric clients, pre and post surgery for pre-surgery milk diet and post surgery diet. Then ongoing counselling to help maintain your weight loss. She is there to recommend upgoing follow-up and advise on blood results with appropriate Nutritional Supplements to Live Your Best Life
For more information visit : FineSurgery
For more information on the pre-operative milk diet
For more information on Weight Loss Surgery
Susan can help you reach and maintain your healthy weight through nutrition counselling and coaching sessions. A personalised approach can include:
Unlock your ideal diet based on your genes and food sensitivities. Discover the perfect match among low carb, Mediterranean, and low-fat diets. Personalize your meal plan for optimal weight loss by understanding your genetic reaction to carbohydrates, fats, and exercise. Avoid dietary missteps and achieve your goals with our tailored approach.
May be covered by private insurance for clinical conditions.
Giving up smoking was the start of my weight gain – over 10 years a stone crept on and being only 5ft2 I had nowhere to hide those extra pounds.
My biggest challenge was that I know about a healthy lifestyle – I walk everywhere and every day, eat only organic and non- processed foods – but I was eating too much of the good stuff and stuffing myself with crisps and nuts at the weekend.
I don’t eat for comfort, or because I’m stressed – I eat because I love life, food and I’m greedy!! There’s no off switch with me for anything once I get going.
So post lockdown I was larger and fed up with being so lumpy – I did not feel good despite knowing how to dress to look my best – something had to be done!
Susan talked me through how to make weight loss work for me – she personalsed everything and taught me about the right nutrition not just weight loss. You cannot outrun the fork – so with the amount of exercise I do it had to be about reducing and making changes to what and how I was eating. Susan made it easy for me to see this was a marathon not a sprint. I also had to commit to making permanent changes – so eating a pack of ‘healthy’ pistachio nuts every night is now consigned to history.
The biggest thing Susan taught me was that there are no short cuts and the commitment has to be there – you can have the best guide (which I do) but all their expert advice will be wasted if you don’t really want to eat yourself healthy – after 6 months I’m 1stone and 5lbs lighter, I have a normal BMI and my clothes are too big! There’s no way I’m going back to the old unhealthy me.
Susan is a fantastic role model – just look at her pictures – she’s proof that getting older doesn’t mean getting bigger – so if you want someone to help you look and feel fabulous whilst improving your overall health – invest in some time with her – it’s worth a million high calorie coffees and cakes!
Obesity, weight loss, bariatric, anti-reflux, gallstones and general surgery
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