Did you know? Some of our services may be covered by private health insurance, making your journey to health and well-being more accessible than ever!

Personalised DNA Nutrition Plan

There are four types of tests available Heath See Sample Report Assess your risk for chronic diseases and optimize your well-being. Results may indicate insulin sensitivity and diabetes risk. Diet See Sample Report Discover the ideal diet for your genes: low carb, Mediterranean, or low fat. Results provide insights on your response to carbs, fats, […]

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Get back on track to healthy eating!

The 8 week package (£390) includes: Feedback from attendees who participated in previous sessions Sessions can begin around your schedule. Optional Add-ons Buy Now! Signup and buy now as space is limited. Please note: Programme may be covered by your private insurance. Find out more WhatsApp Susan at 07528 510932 or email: susan@nutritionu.co.uk GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE

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